Hopeful Minds Services

5 Key Benefits of Medication Management in Mental Health Care

Jul 01, 2024
5 Key Benefits of Medication Management in Mental Health Care
Whether you have depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or a combination of mental health conditions, managing the symptoms is challenging — but managing your meds is even worse. Here’s how medication management gives you peace of mind and better outcomes.

Whether you have depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or a combination of mental health conditions, managing the symptoms is challenging — but managing your meds is even more complicated. 

That’s where we come in.

At Revive Holistic Psychiatry in Weymouth, Massachusetts, our team of experts coordinates your care and oversees all your medications to prevent negative interactions, ensure you’re taking the right dosages, and make adjustments when necessary.

Here are five benefits of choosing Dr. Oluranti Adepoju and the Revive Holistic Psychiatry team to manage your medication management and stabilize your mental health care.

1. A personalized treatment plan

No two people are alike, and no two respond the same way to medications. It’s not enough to read the label and take a pill. Medication management allows us to create a treatment plan specifically for you. 

Dr. Adepoju examines your medical history, current medications, and other health conditions. By familiarizing herself with every aspect, she can tailor a treatment plan that tackles your unique issues and helps you avoid over- or under-medicating.

2. Ongoing monitoring and adjustments

Another advantage of medication management is our continuous monitoring. We check regularly to see how well your medication is working and make adjustments as needed. 

For example, we may change your dosage, try a new medication, add talk therapy, or suggest a new diet or workout. 

3. Genetic testing for better success

Genetic testing, like GeneSight® and Genomind®, has transformed how we prescribe medications. These tests help us analyze your genes to predict how you’ll respond to certain drugs before you try them, shortening the trial-and-error process. 

By understanding your genetic makeup, Dr. Adepoju can prescribe medications that are more likely to work and less likely to cause side effects.

4. Comprehensive care coordination

Medication management isn’t just about the medications we prescribe; it’s part of our comprehensive strategy to cover all the bases. In addition to medications, we oversee your therapies and lifestyle changes. 

Dr. Adepoju coordinates all aspects of your care to ensure they work together harmoniously.  For example, she works with your other doctors so everyone is on the same page and helps you see the big picture of your overall health care. 

This holistic approach is particularly beneficial if you have multiple mental health conditions, because it addresses your health from all angles.

5. The power of knowing why

Knowing why you’re taking certain medications and how they work is empowering. That’s why our medication management service focuses on educating you about your medications, potential side effects, and what to expect. 

This knowledge allows you to actively participate in your care, improving adherence to the treatment plan and overall outcomes.

If you have one or more mental health issues, you don’t need the added stress of figuring out how your various treatments work together. Take advantage of our medication management service and focus on getting well. 

Call Revive Holistic Psychiatry, or request an appointment online. We can also manage many medications via telehealth services; ask us how.